The purpose of this document is to bypass the Ivanti Patch for Windows Servers Setup prerequisite checker.
When installing Ivanti Patch for Windows, the prerequisite checker states 'Failed' although the software is installed, and you are unable to progress forward to the installer.
If the Visual C++ 2015 redistributable was installed manually, see Microsoft Visual C++ 2015 Redistributable Prerequisite Shows Missing When Installed Manually
Patch for Windows Servers will not function if you bypass the prerequisite checker but do not have all required prerequisites installed.
1) Open a administrator Command Prompt.
2) Navigate to the folder containing the installer executable.
3) Start the install with this command: installer-name.exe -noprereq
Additional Information
Bypassing the Prerequisite Download Screen During Installation of Shavlik Protect
Affected Products
Ivanti Patch for Windows 9.3 +
Shavlik Protect 9.2