Shavlik Protect 9.x
VMware vCenter Protect 8.x
Access the licensing window
Help > Enter/Refresh license key
Shavlik Protect Activation window
Activate the Console online
Select "Product or Bundle license".
Type the license key(s).
Choose "Online activation".
Click "Activation online now"
Activate the Console offline
Choose "Offline activation".
Click on "create request". It will generate a file on the desktop (.xml or .txt depending on the version).
Go to:
Import the file XML file "select file" and hit "submit".
An offline activation file will be generated.
On the Console, choose "Import offline license".
Trial License
Choose "Trial Mode" and hit "Create request".
Note : if you have a proxy, in order to go through the Shavlik licensing servers you will need to configure the parameters inside the "configure proxy" dialog box.