Recurring Scheduled Tasks are being deleted at their specified run time.
The Scheduled Tasks log tab shows a status 1326 when the deleted task was last attempted.
The ST.Activation.managed.SYSTEM@NT AUTHORITY log shows the following error:"Failed to check access to 'xxx.x.x.x', error: 1326".
System error code 1326 means "Logon failure: The user name or password is incorrect." This error code may also display as "ERROR_LOGON_FAILURE" or as the value 0x52E.
The Scheduled Tasks log tab shows a status 1331 when the deleted task was last attempted.
The ST.Activation.managed.SYSTEM@NT AUTHORITY log shows the following error:"Failed to check access to 'xxx.x.x', error: 1331".
System error code 1331 means "Logon failure: account currently disabled." This error code may also display as "ERROR_ACCOUNT_DISABLED" or as the value 0x533.
Shavlik Protect will delete a recurring task after credentials fail. A new task will need to be created with proper credentials.
Verify that Credentials are correct for the target machine in the scan task using the following steps:
- Verify which user was logged into the console machine when the scan task was created and log in to the console machine as that user.
- Verify the credential listed as default credential under Manage Credentials
- Login to the console as the user listed as default credential under Manager Credential in the last login.
- Make sure that you can access the default administrative share (c$) on the target machine.
For other scanning prerequisites please visit the following link to online help:
Affected Product(s)
Protect Version: All